+ 48733049229
Nocera Nutraceuticals

Neurocera Plus

neurocera plus is a combination of natural extracts and vitamins to support cognition and nervous system function.

Serving: 30 capsules

Category: Mental Health

Neurocera plus is a combination of natural extracts and vitamins to support cognition and nervous system function.

Ginkgo biloba Help maintaining mental well-being (e.g by maintaining focus on the work memory in the short term and during moments of increased stress). Help maintaining memory with age decline and to preserve cognitive function.Ginkgo blioba to contribute to a normal blood circulation which is associated with brain performance and reactivity. also Retain and recall facts, to maintain clear thinking and to maintain day-to-day focus.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is needed to keep the heart working properly.

Thiamin is necessary for normal neurological and cardiac function. vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for the function of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 is an essential co-factor in fatty acid metabolism which impacts upon hormonal health. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) contributes to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and aids in normal mental function.

Vitamin B12 helps maintain cognitive performance and maintain perception as you get older.

Alpha lipoic acid helps to protect the nervous system.